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More about the Trail Bike Camp

From 23-28 June 2024, 100 cyclists and a number of professional instructors will get together to enjoy fun cycling activities Trysil. With excellent challenges and elements suitable for all levels of difficulty, we make it easy for all cyclists to take part, regardless of experience. You will have just as much fun whether you're a beginner or experienced cyclist. The camp is an inclusive event that is open to everyone, regardless of skill level and equipment.

The camp is based at theRadisson Blu Resort, right by the Trysil centre and the popular and well-designed snow park network that they have in Trysil. We’ll eat all our meals together and do fun activities when we're not cycling. We also have great opportunities to spend our evenings together watching bike movies, swimming in the pool and other activities.

It's important that we get to know each other at the Trail Bike Camp - after all, this is a great opportunity to make friends for life! That is why all participants are placed in rooms of 4-6 people, which may mean that you end up in a room with someone you don't know. This may feel a bit daunting on the first day, but we promise that you'll soon get to know each other. We know from experience that everyone becomes great friends in the first week. If you come to the camp with someone you already know from home, you can ask for a room with one or more of them when you register. We strive to fulfil at least one wish for everyone when we draw up the room allocation plan.

The Trail Bike Camp will be an important recruitment channel and will help increase interest in cycling as a self-organised activity and play. The camp is just as fun for those who are serious about cycling as for those who just think it’s the most fun activity in the world - just like so many others.


The Trail Bike Camp is an inclusive camp that is open to everyone, regardless of skill level and equipment. The goal is to have fun and do games where we learn from each other, and the activities will be tailored to suit all levels.

We will be providing a varied programme. In the evenings, we organise a variety of activities, while the days are filled with plenty of cycling, focusing on cycling technique and cycling on trails with various technical challenges.


All participants and leaders will stay together at the Radisson Blu Resort Trysil. We place participants in rooms of 4 people. It is important for parents to inform their children that they may end up in a room with someone they don't know and that all participants must agree to share a room with new friends. Going to a camp is also very much about being social, getting to know new people and making new friends. And the children get to know each other quickly so it’s never a problem. We often have several young people coming to the camp who don't know anyone from home, and within a matter of hours have made new friends. If someone wishes to stay in their own room, this must be paid by the parents themselves.

Parents can trust that their children will be taken good care of. Our instructors and leaders provide a safe setting for the activities, both during the day and in the evening. We always have adult contact persons available, so children feel safe to attend the camp! Everyone is welcome!

Read more about our rules.


All meals will be served at the hotel where the participants sleep. Breakfast, meal package and dinner are included in the participant pass.

For those with allergies or any other food intolerances - please let us know when registering. Vegetarian options are also available for those who want it, but please let us know in advance. Anyone wanting extra groceries will be able to go to the grocery store.


When you register for a Trail Bike Camp, you as a participant take full responsibility for yourself and your equipment. Our instructors and supervisors will be on hand at all times to ensure a safe environment. Trail Bike Camp disclaims all liability for any damage to persons or equipment that may occur. The participants do everything at their own risk.

We have set the minimum age for the camp at 10 years. The parents of the youngest participants are responsible for assessing whether the child is ready for the camp. Although we have an excellent structure in place with supervision and control, there are some things that the child will have to do on their own. All participants will be introduced to a camp official on arrival who can be contacted 24 hours a day should any problems arise.



Location: Trysil, the reception at the Radisson Blu Resort Hotel

When: Sunday 23 June 2024

Registration period: 16:00 - 17:00

NB: Anyone arriving later than this time will need to let us know. Dinner is served at 19:00. Anyone not able to make dinner at 19.00 on Sunday evening will have to organise their own dinner that day.


13.00 - 16.00 Friday 28 June. Participants check out of their room by 13.00.

It is of course up to each parent to decide when to pick up their children, but we have organised the schedule for a pick-up after lunch on the Friday. So all children must be picked up between 13.00-16.00. We can help put children on a bus if needed.