Lift opening hours

Here you can see the opening hours for the lifts at Hemsedal.

The SkiStar app shows you information about the weather, open lifts and slopes.

Date for the season 2023/24

Ski area Opens Closes
Hemsedal Skisenter 24 November 1 May

24 November- 2 February

Mon-Sun 09:00-15:30
*24 December 09:00-14:00

3 February - 1 May

Mon-Sun 09:00-16:30

Morning and evening skiing

Morning skiing 30 December - 16 March Sat07:30-09:00
Evening skiing 29 December - 15 March Fri18:00-20:30

*No morning skiing on Saturday 9 March due to Hemsedal Up´n Down.

Open until 19:00 in selected lifts:

26 December - 13 March

Tue and Wed 09:00-19:00

12 - 25 February

Mon-Thu 09:00-19:00

Subject to typing errors & changes.

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