Did you know that after closing hours, it is forbidden to ski, drive any vehicle, bicycle or do other things in the ski areas? The reason is that we are preparing the slopes during these hours. The skiing resort are during these hours considered a work place, and for your own security, all access is prohibited.
During the past few years we have noticed that more and more people visit the ski resorts after they have closed. Some are here to endeavour a top trip and then ski all the way down, while others prefer a sledge ride or a mattress ride. These are nice activities, but they are also associated with great danger. For your own sake, and even for our piste machine workers working conditions, we ask that you are respectful towards the access prohibition.
It is also strictly prohibited to remove protective mattresses, which are designed to make the ski slope safe for all guests.
What are the dangers in visiting resorts when they are closed? Well, large piste machines are out on the slopes building tomorrow’s snow foundation. The drivers often use winches when preparing the slopes, which means the piste machines are fastened with steel wires, and use the winch to move large masses of snow when preparing the steep parts.
Difficult to see the wire
The steel wire is approx. 1000 meters long. Depending on the terrain, the wire will now and again be hidden by the snow, and other times it will be hanging in the air when the piste machines are in work.
Another example of where wire work is done, besides in the steep slopes, are when the landing sites in the parks are being prepared. The landing sites after the jumps are very steep, and a winch is often used when these are being fixed. It is hard to see the wire, especially when you come at high speed, and the lighting is poor.
So, please respect the closing hours — a well prepared skiing area will be waiting for you the next day!