SkiStar Partners and Media offers an overall solution for activation and exposure and gives you Scandinavia's most effective marketplace. We will help expose your business in a wholesome environment at all our resorts, for example by, events, big boards, lift advertising and other types of advertising.
When your business chooses to be advertise at our resorts, you are exposed to an active target audience in a noisy environment. Here's a strong association between the guest's experience and your company's brand.
Skistar's target group
- A family with two children, married and 36-49 years old, and living in a new villa just outside a large/medium-sized city.
- Wealthy target group with strong purchasing power - they spend a lot on their children's sports equipment.
- Health conscience and active.
- Higher educated
- High personal income and a shared wealth.
- Strong interest in primary skiing, but also other holiday trips, such as sailing, golf and business issues.
- Changeable individualists.