We will help you

Contact us at SkiStar Groups and Conferences

Please contact us via group@skistar.com or call us on 010 810 97 60 (Sweden) og +47 62 123 001 (Norway).



Joel Borg

Stephanie Hellström

Karin Hurtig

Johanna Christiansson

Contact us by phone or email

Contact form

Fill in our form and we'll help you get the conference exactly the way you want it.

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Booking terms

Here you can read about SkiStar's booking terms for Group & Conference bookings.

Booking terms


SkiStar Active Winter

Experience the best of the mountains combined with a professional content. Enjoy 3 days in the mountains with great food, skiing and snowmobiling.

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SkiStar Active Summer

Enjoy the mountain in all its greenery, and all the activities this season has to offer. Stay in optimum comfort in a hotel, enjoy delicious meals and the destination’s best cycling with experienced guides.

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Large cabin conferences

Staying together in a large cabin is both affordable and social. We fill the fridge and order in take-aways. You just concentrate on enjoying the mountains.

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Autumn conference in the mountains

Gather the whole group in a delightful mountain setting with activities, conference and banquet dinner in your own venue - enjoy the mountains at their best.

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