A membership year in RCI
Starts on the date you became a member, i.e. not a calendar year. You can see this on the home page under My account and Use Year Dates.
Every year, you are automatically assigned a number of points in connection with the start of the Use Year.
Where can I see how many points I have?
Log on to RCI.com. Under My Account you will see the total number of points for the current year, Current Use Year and for next year, Future Use Year. You can also go to the tab Home (at the top of the page) and select My Account. Here you can see the specific points assigned to each year.
Save your points
If you have not used all of the points, you can save them, free of charge, for a second use year. If you save 100% of your points you will need to pay a small fee. At the start of year 3, you will lose any remaining points from year 1 but you can save your points to year 3 for a fee.
You don't need to notify RCI that you want to save your points. Instead the options and fees are given to you in connection with your payment of the annual membership fee.
Not enough points
You can borrow from your points from next year. Make your booking as usual and you will automatically be asked if you want to borrow points from next year. You can also choose to buy the points that are missing instead. You may buy a maximum of 50 percent of the points that your week is worth. I.e. if your ownership week is worth 100,000 points the maximum you can purchase is 50,000 points.
How do I change my contact information at RCI?
To change your contact information and password, log on to rci.com. Select Home, My Account and then Edit Personal Details. Here can you change email, address, phone and select a new password for your login.
How does RCI Platinum work?
Learn about the benefits of RCI Platinum, and upgrade your membership here.
What do I do if I need to have more points?
Are your points not enough for the bookings you want to make during the year? Then the solution may be to own another week. A week for which you use the points you earn just to make other bookings worldwide, or a week that you can use in Sälen or use the points to book other holidays. You can change your mind from year to year.
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