Destination tips
Under the tab "Destination tips" we have gathered our ideas, thoughts and experiences of RCI and its resorts. We hope that we can inspire your next dream vacation!
At SkiStar Vacation Club we have a long and varied experience of both resorts worldwide and of RCI as a travel agency. We have gained this experience both through conversations with our owners and by using the concept ourselves. As thereis a great demand among our owners for knowledge about how they can travel with RCI we will continuously upload tips and ideas about resorts, how to get there and which the target groups for each resort are. We will also highlight the resorts that we would not recommend based on various reasons.
As the RCI customer service recently became English-speaking only, we also believe there is a need for Swedish-speaking service. We have hence started our own RCI support service. Read more under RCI support about our employee Liselott and how she can help you.