Here you will find answers to the most frequently-asked questions before your visit to Hammarbybacken. If you need any more information, please contact us and we will help you.
Here you will find answers to the most frequently-asked questions before your visit to Hammarbybacken. If you need any more information, please contact us and we will help you.
Yes, Hammarbybacken Café offers lunch, snacks and coffee & sweet treats. Drinks and climbing gloves will also be available to purchase up by the climbing park. Hammarbybacken also offers places where the whole family can enjoy a picnic and packed lunch outside.
Yes, there are several toilets adjacent to Hammarbybacken Café.
No, there are no changing rooms. A tip is to arrive in what you plan to wear with us.
Yes, you can buy tickets to all the attractions or print your pre-booked tickets if you so wish. You can also rent skiing aquipment for the SummerSki and buy climbing gloves, water bottles etc.
There are only a few parking areas at Hammarbybacken, but there are both larger parking areas and a parking garage in Sickla Köpkvarter.
Yes, there are opportunities to run and work out on and around the mountain. There is also an outdoor gym.