SkiStarshop Concept Store, Skalets Torg


How to get there

Address: Skalets Torg, Vemdalen (map)


Opening hours

12/6 - 22/6
10:00 - 17:00
23/6 - 13/8
08:30 - 17:00
14/8 - 8/10
Monday - Thursday
10:00 - 17:00
Friday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:00


SkiStarshop Concept Store, Björnrike Torg


How to get there

Address: Björnrike Torg (map)


Opening hours

Closed for the season.


Take advantage of your benefits as a member!



You can access your benefits and member discounts through your membership card in the SkiStar app. You can find this on your profile page in the app, under "Member". You can also scan the QR codes available in-store to access your membership card, or ask a staff member for assistance.


You are more than welcome to visit us during your stay!