The Share & Shareholders

SkiStar’s B share is listed on the Mid Cap list of the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. SkiStar had 60,360 shareholders at 31 August 2023 and the share’s closing price on the last day of the financial year was SEK 116.80.

Share structure

The company's share capital amounts to SEK 19,594,014 divided into 78,376,056 shares. Of these shares, 3,648,000 are Class A shares entitling the owner to ten votes per share, and 74,728,056 are Class B shares entitling the owner to one vote per share. All shares have equal rights to dividends.

Share capital development »
Key ratio per share »

Share price performance and trading

During the 2022/23 financial year, the share price decreased by 15 percent to SEK 116.80. Nasdaq Stockholm’s all-share index (OMXSPI) increased six percent over the same period. The highest price paid was SEK 139.20 on 8 May 2022, and the lowest was SEK 93.80, noted on 13 October 2022.

Total return and share price development»
Share price calculator»


According to the shareholder register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB, there were 60,360 shareholders (57,317) on 31 August 2023. At the end of the financial year, the ten largest shareholders accounted for 65 percent (65) of the capital and 79 percent (75) of the votes.

Largest shareholders

Insider transactions

Foreign shareholders accounted for 16 percent (16) and Swedish institutional owners for 15 percent (13) of the capital.

Share distribution

Dividend Policy

The target is that 40-60 percent of the year's profit after tax should be distributed to the shareholders. The dividend level proposed by the Board will be adjusted annually, taking into account the company's strategy, financial position, risk level and investment needs.

Dividend policy»


Information on analysts following SkiStar: Analysts»

Information on processing of Personal Data

Information to the shareholders of SkiStar's processing of personal data is available here.