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7 Mar - 10 Mar 2024

Unrailistic Tour by Jesper Tjäder

On 9 March, our ambassador Jesper Tjäder invites you to a competition. Put on your skis or snowboard and go on a rail session in SkiStar Snow Park Björnvallen. A good atmosphere and a good time is promised!

During the winter, freeskier and Olympic medallist Jesper Tjäder visits our destinations and invites you to the Unrailistic Tour. On Saturday 9 March, Vemdalen is the last stop on the tour! In our SkiStar Snow Park Björnvallen in Björnrike, the competition in the rail session will be in full swing. Adrenaline rushes and a great atmosphere are promised. The competition can be held on skis or snowboards and everyone can take part. 

Please note that riders under 18 years old need a parent's signature to compete.


15:00 - Meet & greet with Jesper Tjäder in Sweet's tent outside the heated shelter in Björnvallen
- Registration opens in the heated shelter in Björnvallen
17:00 - Training
18:00 - Competition
Prize giving takes place on site immediately after the competition.

See you in SkiStar Snow Park Björnvallen!