4 tips when staying in a hotel

At SkiStar, we want to preserve our white winters and our fantastic mountain environment, and that's why we aim to halve our climate footprint by 2030. To do this, we need your help.

If we all make sustainable choices and reduce electricity consumption together, demand will be reduced and prices will decrease. We've listed a few tips on how you as a hotel guest can contribute to smarter electricity consumption:

  • Turn down the heating in the room. Lowering the temperature by just one degree reduces electricity consumption. If you’re cold, put on a warm jumper and some comfortable socks.
  • Remove plug sockets that are not in use, and avoid stand-by mode. Turn off the sauna and towel rack when not in use. Pull the key card out of the lighting relay (if there is one in your room) when you go out most of the lights in the room will be switched off automatically. The dishwasher will not be affected by this as it runs on direct current.
  • Use water sparingly and sensibly. Try to shorten your time in the shower. Rinse your dishes before placing them in the dishwasher and fill the machine before starting it.
  • Avoid leaving windows ajar. If you need to air, do it in short bursts to prevent wasting too much heat. The air that circulates in the rooms via the ventilation is also fresh mountain air and is actually cleaner than when it comes through an open window.

Thank you for your contribution, it makes a difference!

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